For the past three years I have been on a quest to find the true definition of Love. My voracious search was sparked by a series of relationship challenges, life events, jobs and scenarios where I had a challenging time finding what I felt to be Love. But what truly propelled me to ask the… Read More

Eight years ago I made a pact to honor myself every year by taking time away to do things that bring me joy. It’s a prescription I’d written myself after recounting countless times I found myself focusing on the wrong things such as responsibilities instead of my diverse experiences; financial pressures instead of abundance; deadlines… Read More

“I just want you to know, the night before my surgery, I prayed for you, Dr. Liza Marie Colimon. God knows you and sees what you do.” She even included my middle name. It was the best compliment I had ever received from a patient. The conventionality of Western Medicine keeps discussions of spirituality in… Read More

Honor Health Vow # 4 I Promise to Be an Active Participant in the Patient-Doctor Relationship Good afternoon Ms. B. Wait, how do I interrupt? As I walked into my patient’s exam room this week at the end of a very busy morning packed with procedures, there I stood, waiting over a minute at least… Read More

I am often amazed by the Double Standard which characterizes the moral code and pulse when it comes to healthcare in the United States. I love my country, but we have work to do to heal a broken system which is moving further and further out of the hands of the professionals who actually are… Read More

So I have a confession. I’ve been guilty of misaligning my priorities and was recently called out when I saw my gifted gastroenterologist last week. I had it coming. A soft stern look is all I received. My block has nothing to do with my relationship with the doctor. Making the appointment was my first… Read More

I’ve been a Mother for over 11 years now. And I’ve learned that Mother’s Day is truly a personal experience for all of us. For me it’s become about gratitude. I’ve abandoned expectations of relaxation and receiving acts of appreciation. I woke up today feeling grateful that I can fully see the blessing in it… Read More

I woke up this morning trying to ignore the pit in my stomach. I decided to distract myself… deter my thoughts from the CNN news blast that keeps showing up on my iPhone.  I had taken a news holiday in order to avoid recurring symptoms of anxiety and frustration for the past 100 days especially… Read More