Embrace Your Power of Choice – Your Health is Your Responsibility I am going to lovingly hang a sign in my waiting room. It will read, “It is your choice to be a patient here today. Let us make the most of your time. Let us make a health plan you will be comfortable with and honor. May you be focused, open, and an active participant.”… Read More
Start 2019 with a Personal Vision of Ideal Health There is Power in Thought and Intentions I’ve manifested many things in my life by starting off with an intention, vision or goal. Likewise, I recognize my thoughts and mental focus can do just the opposite, result in stagnation and unproductivity. 2018 was a pivotal year in my life. I fully embraced and embodied my… Read More
Time Alone is the Best Medicine to Fight Fatigue Eight years ago I made a pact to honor myself every year by taking time away to do things that bring me joy. It’s a prescription I’d written myself after recounting countless times I found myself focusing on the wrong things such as responsibilities instead of my diverse experiences; financial pressures instead of abundance; deadlines… Read More
How I Used Vacation to Relax, Renew, and Realign My Self-care Practices This summer I did what in the past was unthinkable. I went a little haywire with my passport and booked not one, but two vacations. I typically take two weeks off in the summer. However I found my ideal traveling dates sandwiched between my daughter’s intense theatre camp and my son’s ballet camp. It was… Read More
Getting On Track Prioritizing Your Health Care Needs So I have a confession. I’ve been guilty of misaligning my priorities and was recently called out when I saw my gifted gastroenterologist last week. I had it coming. A soft stern look is all I received. My block has nothing to do with my relationship with the doctor. Making the appointment was my first… Read More
How a Lesson from Illness Promoted Mindful Eating Honoring Health Vow #7 I Will Honor My Body by Eating Healthy, Prioritizing Sleep, and Being Active It’s interesting how things you know to be true and important as an adolescent start to somehow take the back seat as time goes by. I rarely remember leaving our home to attend high school without eating breakfast.… Read More
Not in the Mood for Sex? Honoring Health Vow # 2 I Vow to Stay Connected to My Body to Hear and Feel Everything it has to Say If you ever find yourself not in the mood to have sex… Welcome to the club. If you are always in the mood, then consider yourself lucky or maybe this indicates you know… Read More
Self Love is the Most Important Love Honoring Health Vow #6 I Vow to Advocate for Myself and Pledge to Prioritize my Healthcare Needs On this Valentine’s Day I find myself pondering the question… “What is Love?” I’ve crafted my own definitions through life experiences, family dynamics, chance encounters, friendships, parenting and remembering lessons learned from deep intimate relationships. I’ve searched for… Read More
If Not, Now, Then When? Take Care of Yourself First. Stop… Just take a minute and check in. So when do you plan to go for that check up ? Pap smear? Breast exam you’ve been putting off for months? Not up to date on that yearly mammogram even though you found a lump? Have you been having chest pain or shortness of breath and… Read More
How is your Energy Level? Getting Ahead of Fatigue… If you are feeling tired, sleepy, have a lack of energy, or have difficulty getting your day started then you are not alone. “Fatigue” may be defining you. Fatigue is a common complaint for men and women across the United States and make up almost one third of visits made to primary care physicians every… Read More