Dr. King’s Messages on Love and Acceptance Inspires an Exercise in Self-Love Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “You know, a lot of people don’t love themselves. And they go through life with deep and haunting emotional conflicts. So the length of life means that you must love yourself. And you know what loving yourself also means? It means that you’ve got to accept yourself.” As… Read More
Embrace Your Power of Choice – Your Health is Your Responsibility I am going to lovingly hang a sign in my waiting room. It will read, “It is your choice to be a patient here today. Let us make the most of your time. Let us make a health plan you will be comfortable with and honor. May you be focused, open, and an active participant.”… Read More
Five Ways to Make Your Mother’s Day a Meaningful All Year Celebration Mother’s Day is often the time your family chooses to celebrate You with hugs, cards, gifts, perhaps breakfast in bed, or the appearance of less screen time. However, I’ve learned the day often passes by a little less relaxing and peaceful than envisioned. The reality is Motherhood is a selfless endeavor, and the show must… Read More
How I Got Inspired to Lose the Winter Weight I would hate to be the thin woman at the Overeaters Anonymous meeting complaining about my newfound love handles and back fat. For those of you who watch This is Us, I could slightly identify with Madison (for about two seconds). But truth be told, a muffin top can appear on any physique! We all… Read More
The True Definition of Love For the past three years I have been on a quest to find the true definition of Love. My voracious search was sparked by a series of relationship challenges, life events, jobs and scenarios where I had a challenging time finding what I felt to be Love. But what truly propelled me to ask the… Read More
Time Alone is the Best Medicine to Fight Fatigue Eight years ago I made a pact to honor myself every year by taking time away to do things that bring me joy. It’s a prescription I’d written myself after recounting countless times I found myself focusing on the wrong things such as responsibilities instead of my diverse experiences; financial pressures instead of abundance; deadlines… Read More
How I Used Vacation to Relax, Renew, and Realign My Self-care Practices This summer I did what in the past was unthinkable. I went a little haywire with my passport and booked not one, but two vacations. I typically take two weeks off in the summer. However I found my ideal traveling dates sandwiched between my daughter’s intense theatre camp and my son’s ballet camp. It was… Read More
Dear Patient, There is No Room for Your Cell Phone in My Office Honor Health Vow # 4 I Promise to Be an Active Participant in the Patient-Doctor Relationship Good afternoon Ms. B. Wait, how do I interrupt? As I walked into my patient’s exam room this week at the end of a very busy morning packed with procedures, there I stood, waiting over a minute at least… Read More
Are You Happy With the Appearance of Your Vulva or Labia? A Gynecologist’s Perspective on Size The theme of the past month in my gynecologic practice has been labia, labia, labia. We’ve discussed it all…big labia, small labia, uneven labia…irritated labia, torn labia, ugly labia, “in the way labia.” Although several patients I saw actually had a legitimate concern and need for a little nip and stitch, most women were reacting… Read More
Getting On Track Prioritizing Your Health Care Needs So I have a confession. I’ve been guilty of misaligning my priorities and was recently called out when I saw my gifted gastroenterologist last week. I had it coming. A soft stern look is all I received. My block has nothing to do with my relationship with the doctor. Making the appointment was my first… Read More