Self Love is the Most Important Love Honoring Health Vow #6 I Vow to Advocate for Myself and Pledge to Prioritize my Healthcare Needs On this Valentine’s Day I find myself pondering the question… “What is Love?” I’ve crafted my own definitions through life experiences, family dynamics, chance encounters, friendships, parenting and remembering lessons learned from deep intimate relationships. I’ve searched for… Read More
How Pain Guided Me to Enlightenment and Peace Honoring Health Vow #2: I Vow to Stay Connected to My Body to Hear and Feel Everything it has to Say Our bodies Speak, not by chance… and if you learn to listen you may be guided to greater possibilities for yourself. In the year 2012, I had been a runner for 28 years. And… Read More
Five Things Every Woman Should Know About the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) The Human Papillomavirus, which is best known by its abbreviated name, HPV. It is one topic that stirs up much anxiety in my office. This is understandable as many of the signs you will see state “HPV causes cervical cancer” instead of “HPV may cause cervical cancer.” If you’ve been infected by the HPV… Read More
Being United in the Name of “Pussy” is Not Enough… May the Force Continue So I chose not to attend the Women’s March on Washington on January 21st and instead scheduled patients in honor of the March. I decided to take care of the “Pussies” here at home in Boston. After all, I am a Gynecologist and have been working to convince many of you that “It’s” not nasty… Read More
If Not, Now, Then When? Take Care of Yourself First. Stop… Just take a minute and check in. So when do you plan to go for that check up ? Pap smear? Breast exam you’ve been putting off for months? Not up to date on that yearly mammogram even though you found a lump? Have you been having chest pain or shortness of breath and… Read More
35 years young and Single… Should I be worried about Infertility? As I have been in the trenches caring for and educating women, a common question I encounter on a weekly basis sounds something like this, “Doctor, I’m 35 years old, single, and have never been pregnant. Should I be worried about Infertility? Is there anything I can do?” Chances are, the answer is No. Especially… Read More
How is your Energy Level? Getting Ahead of Fatigue… If you are feeling tired, sleepy, have a lack of energy, or have difficulty getting your day started then you are not alone. “Fatigue” may be defining you. Fatigue is a common complaint for men and women across the United States and make up almost one third of visits made to primary care physicians every… Read More
Excision or Marsipulization of Bartholin’s Gland Cysts Bartholin’s Glands are located just inside the vagina at the 5 and 7 o’ clock positions. These glands may become blocked resulting in fluid build up under the vaginal and labial skin. Patients with a bartholin’s gland cyst complain of the following: Pain Discomfort with sitting, walking, intercourse Fever Recurrent Bartholin’s Gland Cysts One may… Read More
Labial Reduction Labial hypertrophy is a condition that results in labia majora or labia minora that are enlarged. The size of both labia may be reduced to relieve discomfort with walking, sport activity, sitting or intercourse. The procedure is performed in the operating room under anesthesia. Post-operative care and vaginal hygiene is key to prevent infection. The… Read More
Intra-uterine Device Placement An intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-Shaped contraceptive device placed inside the uterus. The procedure is performed in the office. There are several types of IUD’s: Paraguard IUD (Copper, hormone free) Mirena IUD (releases progesterone to the uterine lining daily) Skyla (releases progesterone to the uterine lining daily) Liletta (releases progesterone to the uterine lining… Read More