There is Power in Thought and Intentions

I’ve manifested many things in my life by starting off with an intention, vision or goal.  Likewise, I recognize my thoughts and mental focus can do just the opposite, result in stagnation and unproductivity.   2018 was a pivotal year in my life.  I fully embraced and embodied my true internal power… My power of choice.  This took much of my time, energy and focus.  Each of us has the power to choose to focus our energies authentically on discovering what we want to see in our lives.  One must ask, “If there were no obstacles or limitations of any kind, if I am alone in a quiet room and anything is possible, “What would my life look like?” We must think without limiting ourselves.  Limitations are imposed upon us by life, by adopting other individuals’ beliefs,  and societal norms starting as early as childhood.  As children we are told we want too much. We dream too big.   I charge each one to dismiss this notion as we enter 2019.  A vision of perfect health is the best place to start.  Join me in thinking and believing BIG.  Simply begin.  If you started this once before, but life took you off course a bit, begin again. 

Join me.  Today I plan to participate in a manifestation exercise starting with my health.  I have a friend coming by my home in two hours.   We are intending to focus our attention for some time on what we wish to manifest in 2019.  We will be planting seeds.  It is important to keep in mind seeds have needs in order to fully become what they were meant to be.  Whether it is soil, water or sunlight; seeds also need love and attentive actions geared toward growth and maintenance. Seeds also need confidence that they will actually become uniquely and perfectly realized.  Seeds cannot be compared; each one is different yielding a special and individualized final product. 

A snapshot of my Health Vision will include some very basic goals for 2019.  These goals are specific to my dietary challenges and physical and personal needs.  Everyone is unique.   Many of these goals I envisioned in 2018 but require more of my love and attention:

I will exercise at minimum four days per week.  This will include cardiovascular activity for 30-45 minutes as well as strength training.

I will embrace the gifts of nature by walking among it at least two times per week.

I will meditate daily.

I will dismiss and release scenarios, things, people, situations, and circumstances that continually distract me from the peace that I need. 

I will continue to enjoy pastries, cookies and cake in moderation.

I will limit my intake of beverages containing high amounts of sugar.

I will take my vitamin supplements daily.

I will honor my inner voice, intuition, and recognize the energy in my body that directs me to where I am supposed to be and where I am not supposed to be. 

I will outline the preventative healthcare visits I need to make and schedule the appointments such as my mammogram, pap smear, colonoscopy, and find a primary care physician I feel comfortable with.

What seeds will you plant into the Universe in 2019?  Simply Begin to consider what your needs are on your path to optimal health.

"Everything is just a draft that we can modify along the way." -Michael Beckwith

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