10 Things Your Gynecologist Won’t Judge… Honoring Health Vow #6 I Vow to Advocate for Myself and Pledge to Prioritize my Healthcare Needs Seeing a gynecologist for many women is very challenging. Anticipating and visualizing conversations about your body, breasts, period, vagina, and relationships can come all packaged up with a diverse mix of life experiences, perceptions, emotions, and beliefs. The… Read More
Not in the Mood for Sex? Honoring Health Vow # 2 I Vow to Stay Connected to My Body to Hear and Feel Everything it has to Say If you ever find yourself not in the mood to have sex… Welcome to the club. If you are always in the mood, then consider yourself lucky or maybe this indicates you know… Read More
Self Love is the Most Important Love Honoring Health Vow #6 I Vow to Advocate for Myself and Pledge to Prioritize my Healthcare Needs On this Valentine’s Day I find myself pondering the question… “What is Love?” I’ve crafted my own definitions through life experiences, family dynamics, chance encounters, friendships, parenting and remembering lessons learned from deep intimate relationships. I’ve searched for… Read More
How Pain Guided Me to Enlightenment and Peace Honoring Health Vow #2: I Vow to Stay Connected to My Body to Hear and Feel Everything it has to Say Our bodies Speak, not by chance… and if you learn to listen you may be guided to greater possibilities for yourself. In the year 2012, I had been a runner for 28 years. And… Read More
Being United in the Name of “Pussy” is Not Enough… May the Force Continue So I chose not to attend the Women’s March on Washington on January 21st and instead scheduled patients in honor of the March. I decided to take care of the “Pussies” here at home in Boston. After all, I am a Gynecologist and have been working to convince many of you that “It’s” not nasty… Read More
If Not, Now, Then When? Take Care of Yourself First. Stop… Just take a minute and check in. So when do you plan to go for that check up ? Pap smear? Breast exam you’ve been putting off for months? Not up to date on that yearly mammogram even though you found a lump? Have you been having chest pain or shortness of breath and… Read More
How is your Energy Level? Getting Ahead of Fatigue… If you are feeling tired, sleepy, have a lack of energy, or have difficulty getting your day started then you are not alone. “Fatigue” may be defining you. Fatigue is a common complaint for men and women across the United States and make up almost one third of visits made to primary care physicians every… Read More
Body Gratitude Probably the biggest problem in today’s society of women is the lack of Gratefulness towards our bodies. One would have to truly understand the meaning of the word Gratitude to understand my point of view. Gratitude is defined as feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankfulness; received or experienced with welcome. Another definition is… Read More
Chances are, you have Fibroids Have you noticed a change in your menstrual cycle? Perhaps you are having longer more frequent periods, heavier periods, or spotting. If menstrual cramps have been interfering with your routine, or if you’ve noticed you are carrying Motrin in your purse more often than lip gloss, hopefully your internal alarm is sounding. Maybe your jeans… Read More
Hormone Hype It never fails… More than often I have the suspicious patient who feels I have overlooked something major because I haven’t been regularly checking their hormones. Ladies! If you’re over 35 and feeling fatigued or “out of whack” this doesn’t automatically imply you are entering premature menopause. So take a deep breath. Make sure you… Read More