10 Things Your Gynecologist Won’t Judge… Honoring Health Vow #6 I Vow to Advocate for Myself and Pledge to Prioritize my Healthcare Needs Seeing a gynecologist for many women is very challenging. Anticipating and visualizing conversations about your body, breasts, period, vagina, and relationships can come all packaged up with a diverse mix of life experiences, perceptions, emotions, and beliefs. The… Read More
Why You Do Not Need a Pap Smear Every Year Honoring Health Vow # 5 I choose to be “In the Know” by keeping record of important medical events in my life Don’t panic when you visit your gynecologist and you are told you don’t need a Papanicolaou (Pap) every year. The decision to change the frequency at which you have a Pap test was… Read More
Pap Smears 101 and What You Should Know Honoring Health Vow # 6 I Vow to Advocate for Myself and Pledge to Prioritize My Healthcare Needs I feel like passing out hugs when my patients come in with problems and say, “But I had my pap smear and everything was fine.” And then, there I am, the bearer of bad news. Let’s… Read More
Are You a Procrastinator When it Comes to Your Health? Honoring Health Vow # 2 I Vow to Stay Connected to My Body to Hear and Feel Everything it has to Say I’m always deeply thinking about ways to connect, inspire, and motivate my patients. This requires recognizing what influences their actions. Over the years I’ve realized I have several categories or types of patients.… Read More
An Office Symphony… A Needed Perspective About Your Doctor’s Appointment and Why You Wait Honoring Health Vow #4 I Promise to Be and Active Participant in the Patient-Doctor Relationship A visit to the Doctor’s Office is like a symphony. Many players have to be working together as a team to create a melodious, harmonious, well-received result. And you, as the patient, are just as much a part of the… Read More
How a Lesson from Illness Promoted Mindful Eating Honoring Health Vow #7 I Will Honor My Body by Eating Healthy, Prioritizing Sleep, and Being Active It’s interesting how things you know to be true and important as an adolescent start to somehow take the back seat as time goes by. I rarely remember leaving our home to attend high school without eating breakfast.… Read More
Not in the Mood for Sex? Honoring Health Vow # 2 I Vow to Stay Connected to My Body to Hear and Feel Everything it has to Say If you ever find yourself not in the mood to have sex… Welcome to the club. If you are always in the mood, then consider yourself lucky or maybe this indicates you know… Read More
Having Fishy Odor? Bacterial Vaginosis, De-Mystified…What You Need to Know Honoring Health Vow #4: I Promise to Be an Active Participant in the Patient-Doctor Relationship Let us admit… this is a challenging topic. And embarrassing for many of you . But it shouldn’t be. Bacterial Vaginosis, known as BV, is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in about 50% of women of childbearing… Read More
Self Love is the Most Important Love Honoring Health Vow #6 I Vow to Advocate for Myself and Pledge to Prioritize my Healthcare Needs On this Valentine’s Day I find myself pondering the question… “What is Love?” I’ve crafted my own definitions through life experiences, family dynamics, chance encounters, friendships, parenting and remembering lessons learned from deep intimate relationships. I’ve searched for… Read More
How Pain Guided Me to Enlightenment and Peace Honoring Health Vow #2: I Vow to Stay Connected to My Body to Hear and Feel Everything it has to Say Our bodies Speak, not by chance… and if you learn to listen you may be guided to greater possibilities for yourself. In the year 2012, I had been a runner for 28 years. And… Read More